Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I guess it's an example of cause and effect. Cause: rain during the rainy season....Effect? "White ants" (I'm not really sure what kind of insect they are) fly out of the ground in massive quantities, drop their wings and crawl away.

These ants are a bit of a delicacy for the local people and the workers were very excited when this phenomenon had occurred overnight. The ants are attracted to light, and as we have security lights on all the buildings and gates on our compound that are on all night, there were piles of wings everywhere! The workers collected the ants and enjoyed them as a seasonal snack.

For me, these ants are less of a delicacy and more of an irritant; the wings are scattered all over my verandah in the morning and it requires a fair bit of sweeping to try to get rid of them. Not to mention that the ants themselves somehow manage to crawl through the crack under the door and come into my house. They aren't harmful or anything; they are just difficult to get rid of. Just when you think you've gotten them all, another one appears from somewhere and out comes the broom again!

Here is what my porch looked like this morning before I swept it:

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