Monday, November 23, 2009


I just spent my last night in the house I’ve been living in since I arrived in Masaka. I will be spending tonight in Entebbe and departing for South Africa early tomorrow morning, where I’ll spend a week on a bit of a holiday. As I write this, my sister is probably checking in at the Vancouver airport for a flight that should get her to Durban about half an hour before I arrive. I am so excited that she decided to come visit and that I’ll get to catch up on all the news from home!

If all goes according to plan, (a tall order around here, we realize!) upon returning from South Africa, we will be moved into our houses on the Timothy Centre and my first night back will be spent in my new home. It will be very nice to be able to unpack all of my belongings and settle into a more permanent situation; the construction process has taken longer than expected, and we have all felt like we’re living in limbo over the last few months. It will have been worth the wait, however, as these houses are really lovely!

So, a lot to look forward to in the next couple of weeks—an opportunity to explore a new part of the world, a visit with a much beloved sister and the chance to settle into a brand new house situated on a beautiful piece of property. Then there is possibility of enjoying a Christmas Eve barbecue in the near future—a unique experience for any Canadian! Transitions aren’t easy, but things are looking pretty good at the moment.

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